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Hello! My name is Brent and I am a dedicated graphic designer,
hot wing aficionado, and dog dad. 

two one stationary set.png

Two One Branding
Style Guide Book

Branding, Design System, and Brand Guidelines 


Gotham Monograph

A 44-page book that examines the history of Gotham and the importance it had on Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign


Gordon Ramsay Cookbook

A 52-page cookbook centered around famous chef Gordon Ramsay, accompanied by hand-drawn illustrations 


Beer Jargon Flash Cards 

Box Design

AIGA Get Out the Vote Poster Animation

AIGA Get Out the Vote Poster Animation

Motion Design

Motion Design


As a designer and human being, I strive to create pieces and experiences that connect us with those around us. Empathy motivates my work and is what I believe creates the strongest bonds. I push myself to find creative solutions that tell stories that connect with audiences. Design, whether it be branding, motion design, illustration, or infographics, empowers people to better themselves and the world around them. As a student at the University of  Maryland Baltimore County, I have grown to channel my empathic nature into my work, using my creative nature to help build work that betters lives. When not working in design I spend time playing with my four-year-old German Shepard mix Ell, cooking, and writing poetry and other thought-provoking content. Design is something I am passionate about and have been since my junior year of high school, and my dedication and drive have never faltered. I have self-funded my education, working and studying full time.  I never changed my major, knowing the design world is where I was meant to be, and I'm excited for whatever opportunities the world has in store. At the end of the day, all that matters is I work hard so my dog can have a better life! 



Don't be a stranger! Contact me with any design or job-related needs you may have. I would love to hear from you. I know the pandemic is making life difficult so meeting in person may not be the best idea, however, I'm dedicated to keeping everyone healthy and safe. Remember to stock up on toilet paper and check on your extroverted friends. 


5114 Gold Hill Rd 
Owings Mills Md, 21117


Tel: 443-487-1781

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